Clouds of suspicion linger. They look like circulus nimbus clouds to me.They are thick clouds, ones that can only be cleared away by that rarest of boxing commodities, the truth.
Comment of the day here comes from "Pinoy Idol," who posts up better than LeBron James and Kobe Bryant combined with this gem.
"Mayweather's baby back ribs are slathered with Pacman duck sauce!"
Good one, Pinoy Idol, you made me laugh. But back to the truth...
I don’t mean the old r&b group, Undisputed Truth.
I mean the truth, the whole truth and nothing but…
Otherwise, this flimsy story about Fraud Ribfaker, I mean Floyd Fairweather or whatever his real name is and his supposed rib cartilage damage is going to explode into a scandal bigger than Richard Nixon’s disastrous Watergate burglary.
Below the clouds all I can see is smoke and mirrors. And I don’t mean the swirling but savory smoke of pork or beef ribs on the grill.
Here are this morning’s burning questions as to Ribgate:
1. Who was the sparring partner whose mighty left hook to the ribs left Mayfaker aching?
2. When exactly did the injury occur? All we know now is it was last week. (In photo above, Tricky Dick Nixon demonstrates the powerful right uppercut that he used against all foes, real or imaginary.)
3. Why isn’t the name of any doctor mentioned? Why the secrecy? Is this whole thing as fishy as the "election" in Iran?
4. How come Mayweather’s mouthpiece, Laughing Lenny Ellerbe, has gone to complete radio silence? Come to think of it, he’s from Washington so maybe he knows about clandestine activity and resulting cover-ups.
5. Did the sparring partner get a hefty bonus or was he immediately fired? Again, what is the name of the man who shot undefeated Liberty Valance?
6. Can we get a name, one name, of one actual ticket buyer, one real person who paid for a ducat for Marquez-Mayweather July 18? Persistent Vegas drumbeats have it that less than 300 tickets went through the sticky wickets. You couldn’t pay for one round of golf for Mr. De La Hoya at the Riviera Country Club with that chump change.
7. Has any medical documentation been requested by or given to Keith Kizer at the Nevada commission? If not, why not? The public has a right to know.
8. Will the Mayweather camp try to negotiate a complete ban on hitting above the belt but below the chin if and when PBF fights Pacific Storm Pacquiao? In simpler terms, no body shots allowed?
9. Who is the wise guy who labeled Mayweather’s x-rays “Belly of the Beast?”
10. Are the x-rays, if any, being kept hermetically sealed in a huge jar of mayonnaise inside a vault at the offices of Golden Boy Promotions?